14 Day Forecast | Hotham Alpine Resort
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Epic Australia Pass 2025

14 Day Weather Forecast

Wed 26 March, 04:30AM

Likely Snow
Snow Level
Wed 26 March
Mostly sunny. NE winds tending NW Min: 10° Max: 18°
Prob of Precip: 30%
Likely Snow:
Snow Level:
Thu 27 March
Partly cloudy. Late shower. SE winds tending NW Min: 9° Max: 17°
Prob of Precip: 60%
Likely Snow:
Snow Level:
Fri 28 March
Mostly cloudy. Late shower. NW winds tending N'ly Min: 9° Max: 16°
Prob of Precip: 70%
Likely Snow:
Snow Level:
Sat 29 March
Mostly cloudy. Showers. NE winds tending SE Min: 9° Max: 14°
Prob of Precip: 70%
Likely Snow:
Snow Level:
Sun 30 March
Mostly cloudy. Possible shower. Fresh SE winds Min: 8° Max: 13°
Prob of Precip: 70%
Likely Snow:
Snow Level:
Mon 31 March
Mostly cloudy. Showers. SE winds Min: 7° Max: 10°
Prob of Precip: 70%
Likely Snow:
Snow Level:
Tue 1 April
Mostly cloudy. Possible shower. SE winds tending SW Min: 6° Max: 13°
Prob of Precip: 70%
Likely Snow:
Snow Level:
Wed 2 April
Mostly sunny. E'ly winds tending W'ly Min: 6° Max: 14°
Prob of Precip: 20%
Likely Snow:
Snow Level:
Thu 3 April
Partly cloudy. Late shower. NE winds tending NW Min: 6° Max: 15°
Prob of Precip: 60%
Likely Snow:
Snow Level:
Fri 4 April
Partly cloudy. Late shower. NE/NW winds Min: 7° Max: 14°
Prob of Precip: 90%
Likely Snow:
Snow Level:
Sat 5 April
Mostly cloudy. Rain periods. NE/NW winds Min: 6° Max: 13°
Prob of Precip: 80%
Likely Snow:
Snow Level:
Sun 6 April
Mostly cloudy. Rain periods. NE winds tending NW Min: 5° Max: 13°
Prob of Precip: 80%
Likely Snow:
Snow Level:
Mon 7 April
Mostly cloudy. Showers. NE winds tending NW Min: 5° Max: 12°
Prob of Precip: 80%
Likely Snow:
Snow Level:
Tue 8 April
Partly cloudy. Drizzle. NE winds tending NW Min: 5° Max: 13°
Prob of Precip: 80%
Likely Snow:
Snow Level:

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