Tobogganing & Snow Play | Hotham Alpine Resort
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Due to poor conditions and snow coverage, the Wire Plain toboggan park is closed as of 26th August 2024.

The Mt Hotham toboggan and snowplay area at Wire Plain (Bus Stop 12) is the ideal location to throw a snowball, make a snowman and hit the toboggan slope for some family friendly good times!  The moderate toboggan slope is suited to kids of all ages.

Facilities at the snow play and toboggan area include the Wire Plain day shelter and Snowstuff Park. The Snowstuff Park is adventure-lovers dream come true, with a range of activities that include adrenalin pumping skidoo tours, to calm and relaxing hot-tub experiences. Check out the details below.

Snowstuff Park

Snowstuff Park in conjunction with Mount Hotham is pleased to announce our park operations.  The original and the best in an Australian first in the Alps!

The Snowplay Park is located at Wire Plain right next to the Hotham Resort Bus Stop Number 12. Car parking will also be available adjacent to the bus stop.  

Click here for more.

Snowplay and tobogganing

Please note, the Wire Plain Toboggan Park is currently closed due to poor conditions and snow coverage as of Monday 26th August, 2024.

Once it opens, the current snow season opening hours at Wire Plain are from 10am to 4pm each day. 

Hotham's designated snowplay and toboggan area is situated at the beautiful and sheltered location of Possum Flat, adjacent to Wire Plain. A moderate toboggan slope is suited to kids of all ages. There is also plenty of space to let your imagination go wild and build a snowman, snow castle, or any sort of snow creature!

Facilities at the snow play and toboggan area include the Wire Plain day shelter and Snow Stuff Park.

This area is easily accessed via the village bus service at Stop 12. Day parking is also available at Wire Plain Carpark, directly adjacent to the snowplay area. 

Please note: Use of the toboggan slope at Wire Plain (Bus Stop 12), outside of listed opening hours will be prohibited and will be monitored by the Mount Hotham Alpine Resort Management Board.

Please follow the safety rules when playing in the designated tobogganing areas

  • Only toboggan in designated areas.
  • Only toboggan during daylight hours with good visibility
  • Only approved plastic moulded toboggans are allowed. DO NOT use any other non-purpose built object.
  • Sit on your toboggan with your feet out in front. DO NOT sit backwards, stand, or go down hill face-first.
  • Children under 5 should toboggan with an adult. Children under 12 should be supervised by an adult at all times.
  • Only one person on a toboggan at any time (except for adults with young children).
  • Dress appropriately - hats, gloves or mittens, snow pants, winter jacket, snow boots. Bring a change of dry clothing.
  • Avoid wearing scarves or clothing that may get caught.
  • A helmet designed for winter sports is recommended, a biking or skate boarding helmet could be used as a substitute.
  • Walk up the side of the slope and leave the middle open for other users.
  • Use your feet to control your speed and to slow down.
  • In case of accident call ‘000’
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