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Falls to Hotham Alpine Crossing

One of Victoria’s icon walks, the 37km Falls-Hotham Alpine Crossing (FHAC) is a 3 day/2-night walk through the Alpine National Park, linking the resort villages of Falls Creek and Mt Hotham.

Steep + Challenging
Long (20km+)
Multiple Days


Embark on the Falls to Hotham Alpine Crossing, a breathtaking 37-kilometre, three-day trek through Victoria's Alpine National Park. This iconic hike connects the vibrant resort villages of Falls Creek and Mt Hotham, winding along alpine ridges that soar above 2000 meters and offering stunning vistas at every turn. Each night, unwind under the stars and enjoy the peaceful beauty of sunsets over endless peaks. Accessible from November to April, this journey is perfect for those eager to embrace the great outdoors and take on a rewarding challenge. There are two campsites on the Falls to Hotham Alpine Crossing: Cope Hut Campsite, amongst the snowgums on the Bogong High Plains, is 14km from the Falls Creek trailhead; and Dibbins Hut Campsite, on a snowgrass plain near the headwaters of the Cobungra River. Enjoy platform camping at the beautiful Cope Hut and Dibbins Hut sites or opt for wild camping in the national park. A permit is required to camp at the five camping platforms at each of the two campsites on the Falls to Hotham Alpine Crossing. These must be pre-booked - Book online or call Parks Victoria on 13 1963.