About Us - Summer | Hotham Alpine Resort
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About Us

Here at Mt Hotham, Australia’s highest alpine village, you can swap city life for crisp mountain air and some of the country's best vistas; from breathtaking misty sunrises to unforgettable 360-degree views of the surrounding rugged mountain ranges.

Discover Mt Hotham

Located just 4.5 hours drive from the heart of Melbourne, Mt Hotham is nestled amongst the Victorian Alps of the Great Dividing Range. It boasts spectacular views, its own airport and a whopping 320 hectares of ski terrain. Mt Hotham is a year round resort, so winter-time means all your favourite snow-based activities are available and the summer sun brings out stunning landscapes and plenty of trails for hiking, biking and trail running - so there's always a new adventure to be had.

Mount Hotham Resort Management Board

For visitor information, trail information, events and more, please contact Mount Hotham Resort Management Board

Phone: 03 5759 3550

Email: info@mthotham.com.au 

Corporate Website: www.rmb.mthotham.com.au

Postal Address
PO Box 188
Bright VIC 3741



To report an LP Gas incident or emergency please dial 000.

For difficulties and faults with LP Gas, drinking water, waste collection or sewerage, please call the RMB on (03) 5759 3550.

Mount Hotham Skiing Company

The Mount Hotham Skiing Company is committed to providing great snow and alpine holidays that will create lasting memories. They provide the lifts and snow products within the resort and are the owner and operator of the Snowsports Centre (incorporating kids and adults ski & snowboard lesson programs), Hotham Holidays (resort reservation centre) and various rental and retail businesses in the resort.             

Hotham Holidays Phone: 1800 468 426

Email: mhsc@hotham.com.au 

Location: Hotham Central, Great Alpine Road, Hotham Heights

Postal Address
PO Box 140
Bright Vic 3741

Our History

The Mt Hotham area has been a skiing destination for tourists for over 125 years, ever since the first travellers over the ranges strapped timber planks onto their boots at the Mount St Bernard Hospice in the 1880s.

Many thousands of years before the arrival of the first Europeans, Aboriginal people gathered in large numbers in the high country, particularly during the spring and summer months. Though the history of contact is poorly recorded, it is known that the principal language groups in the Mt Hotham region included the Gunai Kurnai, Dhudoroa and the Jaitmathang.

European Squatters

In the mid 1830s, European squatters looking for grazing lands began to move into the district and, in 1851, gold was officially discovered in the region. This attracted a large population on each side of the Divide and saw significant movement of travelers over the ranges. Ultimately resulting in the establishment of more permanent populations in the shadow of Hotham.


With increased publicity in the 1880s, skiing as a tourism activity began to emerge. However, it was during the 1920s with the establishment of the Hotham Heights Chalet, that Mt Hotham as a skiing destination really began. In 1933, the Railways Department took over the management of the Hotham Heights Chalet and the 1940s saw the establishment of the first ski clubs and lodges such as the Alpine Ski Club of Victoria (1944), the Wangaratta Ski Club (1946), Edelweiss Ski Club (1947) and the University Ski Club (1948).

The Alpine Resorts Commission

The Department of Crown Lands and Survey assumed responsibility for Mt Hotham in 1962, appointing a Committee of Management. The 1983 Alpine Resorts Act saw the formation of the Alpine Resorts Commission (ARC) to manage all Victorian Alpine Resorts permanently reserved as Crown Land.

Mount Hotham Resort Management Board

In 1998, separate management boards were created for the individual resorts and the Mount Hotham Resort Management Board assumed management of Mt Hotham. The following years saw the development of new ski terrain, lifts, chalets and in 1999 the opening of the Mt Hotham airport.


At Mt Hotham the snowfalls that ensure a persistent snow cover typically begin from mid-June and then continue sporadically until early September. The prevailing wind across the Bogong High Plains and Mt Hotham is from the northwest, and south-easterly winds (often associated with fog and mist) are also quite common. The average total annual precipitation (including both snowfall and rainfall), is 1494mm; and with temperatures ranging from an average winter min of -3.4°C to an average summer max of 15.7°C, it's easy to understand why Mt Hotham’s flora and fauna are well adapted to facing the challenging conditions typically found within an alpine environment.

To date over 100 indigenous fauna have been found and recorded within the Resort! Mt Hotham is home to native Australian mammals, such as the Mountain Pygmy Possum, Eastern Grey Kangaroo, Black-tailed Wallaby, Platypus, Short Beak Echidna, Common Wombat, Common Ringtail and Brushtail Possums, Mainland Dusky Antechinus, Broad-tooth Rat and Bush Rat and numerous species of small bats. In fact, it was at Mt Hotham that the Mountain Pygmy Possum, once believed to be extinct, was discovered within the University Ski Club in 1966. Since this discovery more populations of Mountain Pygmy Possum have been discovered within the resort and are carefully monitored for their conservation. Recently a second 'Tunnel of Love' was constructed to allow the possums to cross under The Great Alpine Road. 

You'll also be able to spy a variety of birds on the mountain such as the Wedge Tail Eagle, Magpie, Kookaburra, Nankeen Kestrel, Superb Lyrebird, Crimson Rosella, Flame Robin and a variety of Honeyeaters. Mt Hotham is also home to numerous alpine reptiles, such as the She-Oak Skink, the Mountain Galaxias Fish and the Alpine Tree Frog. There are also a number of introduced species within the resort such as the Rabbit, Hare, Fox, Deer and Cat that pose a significant threat to our amazing Aussie wildlife.


Between November and February Mt Hotham bursts into flower thanks to its rich alpine species diversity.  With over 400 native species, many of which are unique to the Australian alps, it's a sight you won't soon forget.

Much of the flora within the Resort is indigenous, from the Snow Gums that dominate the upper slopes to the Alpine Ash and Mountain Gum which populate the woodlands downslope and the Snow Daisy and Horny Snow-grass that are common in snow patch communities. Historically, many exotic (weed) plants were introduced through cattle grazing and for soil stabilisation purposes. This, combined with more recent construction and development, as well as recreation and tourism activities, has led to an increase in the exotic flora at the Resort. Some of these exotic species have become invasive, such as Ox-eye Daisy, Grey Salix Willow, English Broom, Yarrow and Soft Rush. These invasive weeds pose a threat to the biological diversity of the Resort and as such, Hotham Resort Management conducts a thorough annual weed control program to combat this threat.

2025 Epic Australia Pass

Australia’s Best Value Season Pass

Lock in unlimited access to Hotham this season with the 2025 Epic Australia Pass! Hurry, Pass prices rise 23 April.

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Explore Hotham

Hike or bike to some amazing places, learn about our history or have some fun in the village.

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Make it a weekend

Need a place to to rest after a day of adventure? There are plenty of comfortable options.

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