To date over 100 indigenous fauna have been found and recorded within the Resort! Mt Hotham is home to native Australian mammals, such as the Mountain Pygmy Possum, Eastern Grey Kangaroo, Black-tailed Wallaby, Platypus, Short Beak Echidna, Common Wombat, Common Ringtail and Brushtail Possums, Mainland Dusky Antechinus, Broad-tooth Rat and Bush Rat and numerous species of small bats. In fact, it was at Mt Hotham that the Mountain Pygmy Possum, once believed to be extinct, was discovered within the University Ski Club in 1966. Since this discovery more populations of Mountain Pygmy Possum have been discovered within the resort and are carefully monitored for their conservation. Recently a second 'Tunnel of Love' was constructed to allow the possums to cross under The Great Alpine Road.
You'll also be able to spy a variety of birds on the mountain such as the Wedge Tail Eagle, Magpie, Kookaburra, Nankeen Kestrel, Superb Lyrebird, Crimson Rosella, Flame Robin and a variety of Honeyeaters. Mt Hotham is also home to numerous alpine reptiles, such as the She-Oak Skink, the Mountain Galaxias Fish and the Alpine Tree Frog. There are also a number of introduced species within the resort such as the Rabbit, Hare, Fox, Deer and Cat that pose a significant threat to our amazing Aussie wildlife.