Infringements & Warnings | Hotham Alpine Resort
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Resort Entry Reminder Notices & Infringements 

Have you received a Resort Entry Reminder Notice?

Mount Hotham Resort Management may issue Resort Entry Reminder Notices when there is no record of a vehicle having a resort entry permit. 
Purchasing resort entry 
If you have a reminder notice please purchase a resort entry permit as soon as possible here.  
If you do not pay your resort entry, you will receive an infringement.
Your permit details could be incorrect
Please ensure your vehicle registration and the dates on the permit are correct. 
If you notice you have entered or given an incorrect vehicle registration when purchasing your resort entry permit, you must contact Resort Management immediately as your vehicle does not have a valid resort entry permit and therefore is not permitted to stop within the Mount Hotham Alpine Resort.

Please contact our Visitor Services Office on 03 5759 3550 to have your permit re-issued with the correct vehicle registration prior to departure from Mount Hotham.

If you do not notify us, you will receive an infringement notice as your vehicle will not have a valid Resort Entry Permit, and an administration fee of $25.00 may apply to vehicle registration changes. 

For more information, go to the Infringement page.

Have you received an infringement?

Parking and traffic restrictions are necessary for efficient management and to meet operational needs throughout the Mount Hotham Alpine Resort. The Mount Hotham Resort Management Board is authorised under the Road Safety Act 1986 to prosecute for any offence against the Act and the regulations. The Infringements Act 2006 and the Fines Reform Act 2014 set the standard framework for how fines are issued and enforced. 

The entire Mount Hotham Alpine Resort is a permit area. Vehicles which stop within the resort boundaries in any location (no matter how short the duration) commits a parking offence, unless the vehicle has a valid resort entry permit. This includes momentary drop-offs and pick-ups. You may receive an infringement notice if the vehicle stopped or parked contrary to resort entry permit area or other resort signs. Failure to pay an infringement notice or to take any other action within 21 days may result in further enforcement action and the incurring of further costs.  If an infringement notice remains unpaid, a warrant may eventually be issued and your property may be seized and sold to satisfy the amount owing.


What to do if you receive an infringement notice?
You have the following options:

  • You have 21 days to pay the fine
  • Or you can nominate another person if you were not the driver
  • Or you can apply for an internal review
  • Or you can elect to go to court

How To Pay Your Infringement


Pay by credit card online

You will need your infringement number to make a payment. Please note online payments may not be available until 3 days after the infringement was issued.

By phone:
You can make a payment to our office over the phone by contacting us on 03 9058 6656.
Visa or Mastercard Only.


How To Contest Infringements 

Internal review

If you believe there is a satisfactory reason for you not to pay the infringement notice, you may apply for an internal review. Requests must be in writing and include the address of the applicant. You can submit a completed Request for Internal Review form or send a letter to Mount Hotham Resort Management requesting an infringement notice to be internally reviewed. Please use address details provided below.

You must provide all of the following information in the letter:

  • Name and postal address
  • Mobile phone number (in case you entered an incorrect vehicle registration online)
  • The infringement notice number
  • Vehicle registration number
  • An explanation of why you believe the infringement notice should be reviewed (please note separate explanation is required for each infringement notice that you are requesting be reviewed – if this is not supplied, you will be requested for further information)
  • Any supporting evidence

Review Process
Once an application for internal review is received, the infringement is placed on hold and will not incur any further costs until after the applicant is advised of the outcome of the review. Even if the due date on the original infringement notice passes, the infringement will not escalate as it is under review. The review process can take 28 days or longer. The applicant will be notified of the decision in writing, advising whether the infringement notice has been withdrawn or if the matter will proceed. Failure to pay or provide requested additional information could result in further costs.

Not the driver of the vehicle infringed?
If the owner of the vehicle that received a parking infringement from Mount Hotham Resort Management was not driving the vehicle at the time the infringement was issued, then the owner may complete a Known User Statement to nominate the person in charge of the vehicle at the time the infringement was issued. 

Having the case heard by a court:
You can choose to have your matter dealt with in the Magistrates’ Court by notifying Mount Hotham Resort Management with an Application To Go To Court form.

Please return completed forms to Mount Hotham Resort Management via:


Post: GPO Box 425, Melbourne, VIC, 3001

Fax: (03) 9058 6657

The Fines Lifecycle

Mount Hotham Resort Management takes steps to ensure the payment of overdue parking infringement notices. At each stage, you have the chance to pay the infringement notice, including any added statutory costs.
You also have the opportunity to contest the fine, if you believe there is a good reason for you not to pay the infringement notice.

Step 1: Infringement (21 days to comply)
If you receive an Infringement Notice, you’ll have 21 days to deal with your fine. You can choose to pay it, or deal with it in another way.

Your Infringement Notice will include information about:
·    your offence
·    how much you owe
·    how you can pay
·    your options for dealing with the fine
·    the fine due date.
The Infringement Notice will provide options including:
·    pay the total amount by the due date
·    request a review
·    nominate the responsible person
·    choose to have the matter determined in the Magistrates’ Court (form included)

Step 2: Penalty Reminder Notice (14 days to comply)
If you ignore your Infringement Notice you will be sent a reminder called a Penalty Reminder Notice. An extra statutory charge of $25.10* will be added to the infringement notice at this stage. The reminder notice will provide options including:
·    pay the total amount by the due date
·    request a review
·    nominate the responsible person
·    choose to have the matter determined in the Magistrates’ Court (form included)

*These amounts are adjusted 1st July each year 

Step 3: Notice of Final Demand (21 days to comply)
If you ignore your Infringement Notice and Penalty Reminder Notice and the due date for payment has passed, Mount Hotham Resort Management will register the matter with the Director, Fines Victoria.

The Director will then send you a Notice of Final Demand and $130.20* will be added to your fine. A Notice of Final Demand is a written document to enforce an unpaid fine with added costs. You must comply with a notice within 21 days.

If you don’t act by the due date on your Notice of Final Demand, an Enforcement Warrant may be issued against you.

At this stage the infringement is no longer the issue of Mount Hotham Resort Management and if you have any enquiries you must contact Fines Victoria on 1300 369 819.
*These amounts are adjusted 1st July each year 

Step 4: Enforcement Warrant (7 days to comply)
If you don’t pay your fine and you ignore all reminders, the Magistrates Court may issue an enforcement warrant against you and $56.90* will be added to your fine.

If an enforcement warrant is issued, a Sheriff's Officer can:
·    come to your address and demand payment (this is an official process called a 'payment demand')
·    stop you at a police roadblock
·    wheel clamp your vehicle
·    seize and sell your personal property
·    remove the number plates from your vehicle
If you don't pay your fine in full when asked to by a Sheriff's Officer, they'll issue you with a 7 Day Notice.
If you don't deal with your fine, the Director may also direct VicRoads to suspend your licence or registration.  You'll be notified in writing by VicRoads when this has happened.
Note: It's a serious offence to drive with a suspended licence or unregistered vehicle.

*These amounts are adjusted 1st July each year 

Fines Victoria

Fines Victoria is the point of contact for the public to pay or deal with their unpaid fines. 

Fines Victoria is a Victorian Government administrative body introduced as part of the Fines Reform Act 2014 commencing on 31 December 2017.

Some services provided by Fines Victoria include the contact centre, counter and Fines Victoria website that allows people to self service, make payment or explore their options. 

Fines Victoria look after various stages of the infringement process. They:
·    process enforcement warrants issued by the Magistrates' Court
·    collect fine payments
·    help you resolve your fines by offering the information you may need (e.g. through this website, the call centre and over the counter).

For details on the fines system in Victoria, refer to the fines lifecycle

Parking infringements – FAQs

Who is responsible for paying the Resort Entry infringement notice?
You are responsible for the Resort Entry infringement notice if you are the registered owner of the vehicle or the driver of the vehicle at the time the infringement was issued.

How much are the parking infringements?
Fines are set by the Victorian Government, and automatically indexed each year.

Do parking infringement notices lead to loss of demerit points?
Generally, parking infringement notices do not result in the loss of demerit points from your driver licence.
However, if you do not pay your infringement notice and you have exhausted all payment stages, the Sheriff may opt to suspend your licence or registration, block any transfer of ownership, or stop renewal of a vehicle registration in accordance with the Infringements Act 2006.

Who can issue parking infringement notices?
Mount Hotham Resort management Authorised Officers and the Police can issue infringements.

If I incur an infringement, where will the ticket be?
Infringements can be placed on your vehicle or be posted to you.

What type of infringement do I receive if I have not purchased a resort entry permit?
If you stop within the Resort without purchasing a resort entry permit you will receive an infringement for ‘Stopping in a No Stopping Area’ as you are not permitted to stop in the Resort without a valid resort entry permit.  

I have a private car park allocated to me by an accommodation provider. Can I incur an infringement?
Reserved car parks allocated as part of your accommodation package do not include resort entry. If you have not purchased a resort entry permit you will incur an infringement. You must purchase a resort entry permit before you are permitted to stop anywhere within the Resort. 

Can you get a parking infringement notice on leased land?
Mount Hotham Resort Management Parking Officers can issue an infringement notice on all land within the Mount Hotham Alpine Resort, including all leasehold and freehold land sites.

What power does the Mount Hotham Resort Management Board have to move cars?
An Authorised Officer or member of the force may, in an Alpine Resort, remove or cause to be removed by means of lifting and carrying, or towing a vehicle, if satisfied on reasonable grounds that the vehicle has been parked or left standing in contravention of regulation 12 of the Alpine Resorts (Management) Regulations 2009.

To discuss an infringement, please find the contact details below.

Phone: (03) 9058 6656


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